EP 262| AIRED 11/30/2015
November 30th, 2015 - Welcome to The Tradex Foods"3-Minute Market Insight" This is Kyla Ganton and here is the seafood news for Monday November 30th, 2015.
--- --- This is Kyla Ganton and here is the seafood news for Monday November 30th, 2015. --- Freezers are well stocked with Rockfish as the winter weather rolls in that will keep boats at the docks. In the first Quarter, a strong fresh market and large sized fish dried up opportunities on small-sized rockfish fillets. In April, a 2-4oz IQF Rockfish fillet was going for $2.70 /LB. After the fresh market slowed up, 2/4s were moving at $2.20 /LB, where they've sat since September. We are seeing a downward trend on smaller sized fillets, while large sized fillets seem to hold on to their value. Buyers should expect fresh sales to start picking up again in the new year, so filling your freezers in the couple months would be advantageous. --- We put another whitefish to the test to determine quality vs price point. A twice frozen Grocery Store Brand fillet released some moisture during cooking but retained a good flake. Although the packing states No Preservatives, the fillet cooks like a slightly treated product. During cooking, the fillet appears to shrink a bit. For ten cents less, buyers can purchase excessively soaked fillets that will shrink instantly upon contact with heat. The fillets pulled apart and split immediately once cooked. For comparison, we cooked a fresh fillet, which shrunk in similar proportion to the lightly treated fillet. Heavy treatment results in translucent fillets and extreme shrinkage, as can be seen once placed side-by-side. Buyers should be aware of inexpensive product, and we recommend buying for quality for customer retention. ---Our TradexLIVE offer of the week is for 2-4oz and 4-6oz IQF Pollock Fillets. These are lightly treated, High Quality SINBAD Brand in 1x10lb boxes priced at $1.22/lb USD FOB Los Angeles. Click or Tap the Icon above to view this offer. --- An educated buyer is poised for success and Tradex leads the industry in technology and information sharing. School of Fish is an education training tool we have designed to address seafood fraud. It can be found on our website at tradexfoods.com/school-of-fish. Learn about seafood fraud and various frozen processing methods so that you can AVOID purchasing over-soaked products like the one we demonstrated earlier. As always, we are available via webchat to instantly help you make the best seafood purchase decisions. ----Thank you for joining me for the Tradex Foods "3-Minute Market Insight" This is Kyla Ganton - “BUY SMART” and “EAT MORE SEAFOOD
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